Local Heroes

Seattle Messenger Cooperative | Fast, Reliable and Friendly

For the past 6 years, Jory Wallis with Seattle Messenger Cooperative and his team have become Fast, Reliable and Friendly. They are fully invested in providing the best service they can for each and every delivery. The team of 13 take pride in their business. Each of them are owners and hold specific roles within the company.

“What makes us different is that we are each highly involved in every delivery. We all share ownership and that shows with each delivery. Seattle Messenger Cooperative are very flexible with who we serve! We have a unique vibe and take pride in ownership providing top notch services.”

Local to Seattle for Over 15 years

Jory is one of the owner of Seattle Messenger Cooperative, a local to Seattle for over 15 years. Jory is what we like to call a Local Biz Hero, a self-made entrepreneur who brings true value to his community. High stands of professionalism and strong work ethics of small business owners like Jory are the infrastructure of Seattle’s economy. Seattle Messenger Cooperative supports victims of domestic violence and immigration.

Create A Better Business

We sat down with Jory for a quick interview –

Why do you do what you do?

“I grew up homeless and that was not easy. I bartended as one of my first jobs. During that time, I really enjoyed riding my bike. As a result, that got me into bike messenger work. Randomly, I reconnected with a friend from high school, Elliot, while being a messenger. We decided we could Create a Better Business model and environment while enhancing the customer experience.”

How did you get into this profession?

“I was supporting myself and this was my favorite job of all. I’m passionate about bikes. I knew I could create a better service starting my own company. After the help of my business-family, we got to work.”

If you could share one tip with the readers for choosing a, what would it be?

“There are a lot of messenger companies around. Look for the vibe that best fits for you. Some are cooperate only. Some are more personable and efficient like us! If you want to choose wisely, choose us.”

Seattle’s Favorite Messenger Company

For those of you who are looking for a professional Messenger, look no further. Seattle’s Favorite Messenger Company, Seattle Messenger Cooperative team should be your first choice! Seattle Messenger Cooperative supports Domestic violence and immigration victims with a discount (to include immigration attorneys). Call Jory at (206) 250-6349, – Seriously, A Fast and Reliable Team!

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