Local Heroes

Mosby Farms, Planting For The Future.

Mosby Farms

Since the first truck load of squash was delivered in 1977 by Burr at the age of 17, Mosby Farms, planting for the future! 

“What makes us different is the same for all farms, each family farm story is unique to its own. Washington State’s population has grown 13% over the last 10 years but we’ve lost almost 5% of our farmers. Our communities can’t afford to lose access to local food when it’s in season. When we lose farmers, we lose local food access, land and habitat stewardship, and the many other benefits farmers provide for their communities.”

Rosella and Burr Mosby

Rosella and her husband Burr are the owner of Mosby Farm, Both Sumner native’s, and of course supportive Seahawks fans. You might see them at the games!

Local Biz Hero

Rosella and Burr are what we like to call Local Biz Hero‘s, self-made entrepreneurs who bring true value to their community. High stands of professionalism and strong work ethics of local farmers like Rosella and Burr are the infrastructure of local farming. They take pride in nurturing the land that provides for them. Mosby Farms, Planting for the future.

Rosella is passionate about her involvement in agriculture advocacy through groups like My Fork Supports Farms, King-Pierce Farm Bureau, and the Farm Journal Foundation.

Sit Down With Rosella

We sat down with Rosella for a quick interview –

Why do you do what you do?

“I was self employed when Burr and I married and I liked my work.  It wasn’t in my plan to work on the farm but in the end it was better for our family. When you have little ones, eating lunch together is great, because it’s likely dad won’t be home until dark. I attempted to continue my business and helping at the farm but it became too much. One day, the babysitter fell through so I took her to work with me in a stroller, I was on a ladder, working for myself with a phone in my neck placing a produce order for the farm asking myself, what am I doing? Over the years my work at the farm has evolved. I know in my heart this is where I belong.”

How did you get into this profession?

“Burr had a little produce stand and needed someone to run it, but I already had a job. Attempting to do both, channeling some of my creativity into the little produce stand I managed to increase sales quite a bit and he was hooked, it continued to grow until we chose to close it due to some county requirements that didn’t pencil out. There is always plenty to keep busy on the farm, Youth Crew, Pumpkin Patch, and consumer outreach needs. Zucchini grows a quarter of an inch per hour in the hot sun and it takes a team of people to get that zucchini to your dinner plate. Our work isn’t just about us, it’s about our crew, the land we steward and the community we feed.”

Perspective Check

What is the most significant event that ever happened to you?

“When I was 30, I was diagnosed as a type 1………….. Every day is a gift, you can choose to accept it and do something meaningful with it or let it pass you by. I want to choose to do something meaningful.“

Support Your Local Farmers!

If you could share one tip with the readers for choosing a farm, what would it be?

“I want everyone reading this to seek out their local farmer and just learn about them. Ask what their struggles are and ask what their community can do to help. We need to help farmers be viable for their future. Get to know your local farmer. “ Checkout Mosby Farms HERE and follow on Facebook HERE

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